To order our software titles, contact your local dealer or the following resellers: Retail Stores: CompUSA ComputerCity Micro Center Best Buy Fry's OfficeMax Electronic Boutique Barnes & Noble Books Borders Books General Catalog Order: Educorp 800-843-9497 Educational Resources 800-624-2926 Columbia House CD-ROM Club Microwarehouse 800-255-6227 PC Connection 800-800-5555 Learning Services 800-877-9378 West/ 800-877-3278 East Software Express 800-527-7638 For library and school: Follet Library Services Library Video 800-843-3620 Or visit any computer software store and give the information listed below. The store will order through a local distributor and you should receive the product within 5 days. Due to very limited shelf space in stores, most retailers only stock a limited number of CD-ROM software titles that are on the market. If you feel our educational product should be an in-stock item, please request your local dealer to stock our educational product to benefit the next customer. When you order from the local dealer, ask them to order 2 units, so an additional copy can be displayed to help other customers find affordable quality educational software. As more people invest in our product, CD Technology will pledge to lower the price to the consumer, improve the quality of our software and add more titles for your enjoyment. Thank you, we appreciate your interest in our products. Our Product Retail* Part # 1994 Awards/Comments For Macintosh: America Alive 1.0 /Mac $ 49 #51201 Sing an American Story/Mac $ 29 #52201 Parent Magazine top 25 For Windows/MPC: America Alive 2.0 /MPC $ 49 #53201 Smart Money Top25 Europe Alive 2.0 /MPC $ 49 #53402 PC Magazine Top100 Asia Alive 1.7 /MPC $ 49 #53601 PC Magazine Top100 World Tour 3-CD set /MPC $ 99 #53901 Sing an American Story/MPC $ 29 #55201 Parent Magazine top 25 Accessories: CD Caddy $ 10 #42005 * Suggested retail price. Coming in 1995: Caterpillar's Tractor Peter Seeger's All Mixed up For Dealers: Our products can be ordered through Ingram Micro or Merisel under the company name of CD Technology. MediAlive is a software divison of CD Technology. As an affiliate of IVI Publishing, our product may also be ordered via other distributors under the IVI label heading (i.e. Ingram Books, Navarre). Our Product Ingram Retail* Part # Micro# Merisel# For Macintosh: America Alive 1.0 /Mac $ 49 #51201 #118620 #63044 Sing an American Story/Mac $ 29 #52201 #118645 #07113 For MPC: America Alive 2.0 /MPC $ 49 #53201 #118642 #56685 Europe Alive 2.0 /MPC $ 49 #53402 #118644 #07262 Asia Alive /MPC $ 49 #53601 #118639 #63090 World Tour 3-CD set /MPC $ 99 #53901 #118643 #63139 Sing an American Story/MPC $ 29 #55201 #118646 #07156 Accessory: CD Caddy $ 10 #42005 #118638 #19869 If you can not get our products from above dealers or have any additional questions, please call CD Technology at 408-752-8500 or fax 408-752-8501. For International and Non-USA dealers: You may order via Ingram Micro USA, Ingram Books (under IVI) or one of Ingram's international branches: Ingram Micro USA (714) 566-7890, fax (714) 566-7885 or Ingram Micro / Asia in Singapore 65-291-8011, fax 65-291-8033 or Ingram Micro / Europe in Brussels 32- 2-722-9511, fax 32-2-725-2396 or Ingram Micro / Canada 416-740-9404, fax 416-740-6100 or Ingram Micro / Mexico 52-5-328-1100, fax 52-5-203-6997 You can see demos of the above products in the "Demos" sections. There is an option of viewing demos of MediAlive's multimedia products. Simply click on your choice of products to view. Thank you for your interest in our products. January 1995.